Valentine’s Day Show

Liberty School 7265 N Ann Arbor St, Saline, MI, United States

  Looking for a safe, affordable, original date idea for Valentine’s Day? We’ve got you covered. The Fiddler’s are hosting a Valentine’s Day show at Liberty School in Saline, on Sunday, February 13th from 2:00pm to 3:45. Tickets are $30 a pair and will include an amazing show and special gift. Children 9 and under More...


2022 Hometown Show

Saline High School 1300 Campus Pkwy, Saline, United States

Trivia Night Fundraiser

Saturday, March 11, 2023  7-10 PM Tri-County Sporstman’s League 8640 Moon Road, Saline   Appetizers Cash Bar Live Music from the Saline Fiddlers Amazing Silent Auction   $25 per person Everyone is welcome! Tickets at the door, or in advance Here      

Jake Blount Fiddle and Banjo Workshops

saline high scool

   March 19, 2023.  3-6PM WHERE:     Saline High School Performing Arts Center, 1300 Campus Drive Saline, MI 48176. WHAT:       Jake will teach "hands-on" workshops for fiddle & banjo. 3 :00 - 4:15    Fiddle workshop 4:15 - 4:30     A verbal presentation by Jake   4:30 - 4:45     Break 4:45 - 6:00     Banjo workshop TICKETS:   More...

2023 Tour – US Capitol – Washington, DC

US Captiol US Capitol, Washington, DC

The Saline Fiddlers will be in Washington, DC during the 2023 Country Road Tour. Visitors will be able to see the Saline Fiddlers perform at the US Capitol, Area 15, for a short performance between 10:30 am - 12:30pm. Follow us on Facebook for updates on the exact performance time.

2023 Tour – Orr’s Farm Market – Martinsburg, WV

Orr's Farm Market 682 Orr Drive, Martinsburg, West Virginia

The Saline Fiddlers will be stopping in West Virgina on their 2023 Country Road Tour to perform at Orr's Farm Market from 3pm - 5pm. If you're in the area come visit Orr's and listen to some great music!