You Can Help Keep Us Fiddling!
The Saline Fiddlers are high school students who’ve been delighting folks with their energetic shows for over 30 years. Help us continue bringing traditional music and dance to communities near and far now – a time when the joy of live music is more important than ever. Some expenses are covered by tuition paid by Fiddlers’ families and fees from our performances, but many of the 30-40 shows a year are done for free or at reduced cost – for schools, churches, hospitals, and retirement communities – and we want to keep doing this. You can help keep us fiddling with your donation today!The Saline Fiddlers Philharmonic is a music education and performance organization with IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable designation.If you prefer to mail in your donation, simply write a check made out to “Saline Fiddlers” and mail to Saline Fiddlers Philharmonic, 525 E. Michigan Ave. #105, Saline, MI 48176. Thank you for your Donation! |
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